Right now, I feel like I'm doing everything and nothing at once. I'm remembering what it was like to be a teenager. You see, Saturday my favorite pair of shorts finally met their end. The old fabric, worn by years of use, finally gave. I've had these shorts since I was 14-years-old. They are 12. That's almost half my life I've had these shorts, and they've seen so many crazy things. I wore them in high school. I wore them on my honeymoon. And this weekend I wore them bikeriding 9miles with my Dad.
It made me think about all the time that's passed since I was a teenager, and about what life was like and how it will be in the future. I am blessed. I am amazingly blessed and I'm trying to fulfill some of those dreams I had as a kid.
I'm performing again. Two weeks ago I had my first paid TV gig in 14 years. That was pretty incredible. I'm working on my novel. I'm editing Chapter 7 right now and trying to push through a LOT tonight (which can be tough when it's hard to focus because of how much ELSE is going on). I'm trying not to give up on those dreams I had when I was a teenager.
Odd, sometimes, to think how much a single piece of clothing can make you re-evaluate your life. :)