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I had the weirdest dream.
I was a soldier, in some military camp in Korea, living in a kind of drawn-out version of my university dorm. At some point I discovered a big sattelite dish under my bed, and I noticed that every time the red light on it blinked, airplanes would come by and throw bombs at some part of the camp. I tried to convince everybody that this was a spying device, but everybody just blew it off and said it was probably for television or something. When I noticed the red light blinking again, I left my room for the common area - just in time to see the hallway beyond the common area bombed. I tried to go in, but there was too much smoke. The girl who was living in the room with me wanted to go in and I had to restrain her, because it was too dangerous. She wanted to go in there because her husband lived in that hallway though.
Then, I was in the medical building, which had lots of little rooms with 3, 4 people in each room. Suddenly, I noticed a man in one of the rooms unplugging the artificial breathing machines which were keeping some of the wounded alive. I chased him out, but I didn't know how to reconnect the machines. I screamed for help, but none of the nurses knew either. The soldiers died. I went to the supervisor, and said that it wasn't my business, but shouldn't there be at least one person knowing how to operate the machines? He said they were new machines, and the only person who knew how to operate them, was killed.
Then I was outside, fixing a car and suddenly we got shot at. When that was over, I walked into the husband of this girl I mentioned earlier. It turned out he wasn't dead after all, just wounded in his arm. With him, and a few others, we went on a mission to a village. There was a burial of some old woman going on at the village. It turned out her sons were terrorists of some sort.
Then I was sent home to take some sort of exam. It was in a very, very large lecture hall at my university, except the lecture hall was a different color. I was sitting way in the back, and while the papers were handed out I saw a very big, muscular guy in only pants enter the lecture hall. I ran downstairs to the emergency exit, but there was none. There was a pistol laying behind the projector table though. I took the pistol and started shooting at the guy, but bullets didn't seem to stop him. I ran back up the stairs, continuing to shoot at him. When I reached the doors, they wouldn't open, so he caught up with me. Fortunately, one of the fellow students had brought a gun as well and emptied a clip into him just as he was looming over me, and killed him.
Then I was back at the camp, and my ex-boyfriend asked why on earth I wanted to be there. I thought it was because at least there, I was with people, and not quite alone. And I wasn't afraid to die either way.

Then I woke up.


Robwood, I blame you! Oh, and L4d of course.


12 march 2009, 06:48:51



No more gunja for you young lady. :) (N/T) - §evqui§ - 12/03/2009, 17:19:34terminator
No more Croatian villages for me? What? LoL - Selma - 12/03/2009, 23:04:27terminator
(o:Þ - Robwood - 12/03/2009, 14:27:46terminator


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