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'You *graduated* high school? Oh you're full of surprises, Robert! NT' posted by Selma - 22/03/2008, 10:50:57
'Surprised me, too. Oh, to be in that teacher's class, still! (N/T)' posted by Robwood - 22/03/2008, 10:55:36
'I know what you mean' posted by Selma - 22/03/2008, 18:08:50


In my entire school time (beginning to end) I've only had 4 that I was attracted to (the first of which was before puberty). The first was Mrs. Leffel, who, when she wasn't pregnant (which was a lot; this lady pounded out 4 kids during my elementary school days, 2 of which were twins), was really hot, despite wearing loose dresses. I was lucky enough to have this piece of eye candy as my 4th and 6th grade teacher (at 10-years-old and 12). And it was actually through her that I discovered my particular brand of fetish (I think you know what I'm talking about here, SelmaWinking). Mrs. Leffel had the epitome look for women of the late 80s--short boy hair (black), so that was a bit of a turn off (which technically wasn't possible back then) but I could very easily imagine what she looked like everywhere else, so that was a plus!

The second teacher...I can't remember her name at the moment. At 14-years-old, I had her for 7th grade history (or maybe it was social studies). Despite her attractiveness and blond hair (short also, but poofy, so not tomboy) she would constantly wear blouses and pants. Seeing this woman in a dress was rare, and a dress with pantyhose even rarer (that's my fetish, to those who don't know, and now you officially know too much. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! It's in your head forever!) so when she did wear them, I was in heaven!

The third teacher was Ms. Martin (who later became Mrs. Mayhew), my French teacher for all my high school years (15-18 years old). She was beautiful enough with her curly brown hair and ample bosom, but she wore pants the majority of the time as well, and to be perfectly honest, her butt was a little big. She had a really cute nose, though!

And the fourth teacher is the one I mentioned earlier. Her name is Mrs. Key my biology teacher for the remaining two years of high school. Despite the husband and kid under her belt, she was easily the hottest teacher I've ever had. Not only did she constantly wear dresses (half of which were above the knee and some had a plunging neckline!), but never a day went by that she wasn't wearing pantyhose. She had a full chest for her size (average height, so I'd say her bust was somewhere in the upper B size) and she was still very slim, so you never would have known she had a kid unless she told you. She had strait brown hair that fell to her shoulders (and bangs to her eyebrows) and she was 32 at the time, though you would have guessed she was still in her twenties. The best part about this teacher was the fact that her "desk" was actually a counter with cabinets beneath it, so she could never tuck her legs under the counter top. So when she sat down and crossed her legs, her legs were constantly exposed. And with my table (there were no desks in biology) off to the side of her desk, facing her, I was in constant bliss!

It's probably my wishful thinking, but I think she may have had a thing for me. I was reading this huge 900 page book that I constantly dragged around with me and read whenever I got the chance. She asked me about it, I told her what it was about, and then she made the comment, "I bet you can't have a book that big without having at least one sex scene in it." It was all I could do to keep my composure. I just said, "Yeah," and left it at that, but I really wanted to tell her that there were several, and that I enjoyed them because the lead female character looked a lot like her (she really didn't, but I still wanted to say it). Again, it was probably wishful thinking that she wanted me, but I regret not having the courage to find out.

Well, that got a little long windedBlushing 2. Basically what I'm saying is that you're lucky to have one teacher a year you find attractive when all I had were four in 13 years.


23 march 2008, 00:48:58



In the past three ni - Balachandar - 18/12/2014, 02:13:30terminator
Well, university provides a higher quality of mas... err, education. ;) NT - Selma - 23/03/2008, 09:12:04terminator
Hmmm...Maybe I should go to college, then...(N/T) - Robwood - 23/03/2008, 11:46:39terminator
I don't know who you - Kolya - 21/12/2014, 03:41:55terminator
Hello there! I know  - Encanto - 18/12/2014, 05:45:41terminator
Here's the hot professor - Selma - 04/04/2008, 06:44:20terminator
I have scholarly a f - Jennifer - 18/12/2014, 12:23:23terminator
Here's a few more - Selma - 04/04/2008, 06:55:32terminator
Thanks for your tips - Nabil - 20/12/2014, 05:54:50terminator
Ceci est un exemple  - Yuanita - 17/12/2014, 09:18:07terminator
In highschool, all we had was a pedophilic music teacher. NT - Selma - 23/03/2008, 09:13:49terminator


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