Whenever you go on vacation and the time period falls on a duty day, the section leader has to sign off on the vacation request form to show your chain of command that (s)he's aware that you'll be gone on that/those duty days. Well, my section leader works 40 minutes away from where I work, so rather than take time out of my work day to drive those 40 minutes there and those 40 minutes back just so he can sign a piece of paper, I got the ingenious idea of sending him my vacation dates via e-mail and getting him to approve/disapprove the dates in a reply, which I would then print out and route up with the vacation request form. Not bad, eh?
After sending him my dates via e-mail, I waited two days for his reply. Nothing. So I called him up, whereupon he told me there was a problem with the period of time I wanted. After working things out, I e-mailed him a modified date period that he verbally agreed to over the phone, again requesting that he reply with his approval/disapproval. We hung up after he received the e-mail, and I waited a while for him to reply to it (maybe I was too presumptuous in thinking that he would have replied right then and there so the matter would be over with instead of being unnecessarily dragged out?). That was yesterday. Today, I sent him an e-mail reminder and politely requested the e-mail response, as all vacation request forms were due today so all of the section leaders in the command could make adjustments accordingly, but he still didn't respond! So f*ck it! I sent the form up without his documentation, and I'll rat him out to my chain of command when they tell me he needs to sign it!
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 01 december 2007, 08:51:10