Before I start this response, please believe me when I say that I am not angry, I am not raising my voice or anything... I have only the desire to vindicate myself because I believe I do not deserve this harshness. Let's continue;
I don't see why you "felt the need" to post about it here, this information is completely irrelevant to everyone but you and me. The only logical conclusion I can come to is that it was some sort of naming and shaming - petty revenge with no constructive value whatsoever.
It was indeed a tactic of 'naming and shaming'. I was in a position where I felt nothing else was going to work. I had already tried the direct and indirect approaches and didn't get a decent or adequate response.
The constructive value is evident - I have my items back. I do however agree that there are better solutions, unfortunately they didn't seem to work.
Even when you had your junk, you continued to lay into me; "Hurray! It only took 77 ETERNITIES but I've FINALLY got my precious toy back!" Yes, let's remind everyone what a horrible person I am one last time. A very sincere thank you indeed.
I posted that message to clear your name. If I hadn't posted it, people might be under the impression that you still had my stuff, and that would make it seem worse. I wanted to be certain that I had given you the credit for having returned my stuff after all, and not leave people wondering about whether or not I ever got my stuff back.
*That* is why I'm bitter.
From where I'm standing, there is some misdirected anger here.
Btw, it makes no sense for me to inform you of delays when I was simply too busy to remember that you needed your screw up fixed in the first place.
I already explained in my original message that I had made a mistake. It happens, people simply make mistakes. Everyone has lost something here or there, and when I lose something at a friend's place, I trust that that friend will return the items to me. Let me please take this opportunity to mention that I have already spent 115 euros on chargers for my phone and organiser, and a docking station for my organiser. A docking station for my organiser costs 70 euros here. I think this qualifies as enough payment for my mistake already, and I accept that without any harsh feelings towards anyone. Not even towards myself, since I know I am human and I've been known to make mistakes before. I would also like to point out that while my camera is not essential, my organiser is. Without it, I am simply unable to perform my job. It contains access codes I need for maintenance to dozens of networks here. While I do have back-ups of the information, my organizer is the most important part of storing and using this information. Without docking station I can't recharge the PDA, except maybe in the car. Making back-ups works only through the docking station, which I had to buy because every day I put more information into this organiser, and without the back-ups, I could lose vital information the moment my organiser decides to die on or if I happen to lose the organiser. I couldn't run the risk.
A promise has been made to return the items, and then weeks went by and nothing came into my mailbox. I text-messaged, I e-mailed, I went out of my way to try to contact you for clarification and I got nothing.
At some point you took responsibility for my items, and then neglected that responsibility. At the time I did not know why, and given previous experiences, I assumed it was something I will not define further on this message board in your usual behavioral patterns that had kept you from sending me the items. At the time I felt it was time for a kick in the ass to get you motivated to send me my items.
I know now the reasons behind why you didn't send me the items and I understand them. I happen to agree that you were in difficult circumstances and that it is understandable that the items came to me very late. I understand and I'm fine with it, now that I know.
What you could please try to understand now is that I cannot feel guilty or accept your implications, or rather accusations, towards me that I am a horrible person because of something you neglected to do. People cannot magically see everything that goes on in your life. Therefore, communication is an important factor in every dealing with everyone, and you lacked in communication towards me. But I understand and I forgive you.
Maybe you'll be even more bitter now, maybe even resentful towards me. You may even feel that I'm being arrogant and self-righteous and whatever else, and I regret if that happens, but I believe that this is something that you will have to think through for yourself, as these are feelings that I don't feel I deserve to get from you.
MESSAGE TIMESTAMP 27 september 2007, 07:18:28